My Signature Method to Transform your Gut Health in 6 weeks! Get my step-by-step holistic guidance to reduce your toxic load, rebalance your gut, regain control of your health & get rid of parasites!

I know what it's like to feel frustrated & exhausted

trying to figure out your symptoms...

  • No matter what diet or workout plan you try, nothing seems to work for long
  • You're bloated or dealing with uncomfortable digestion most days
  • You have acne, PMS, or other homonal imbalances and you have no idea where to start (or you're ready for more if you've taken my Hormone Balance Course!)
  • You feel stressed out most of the time and little things that really shouldn't bother you take so much wind out of your sails
  • You feel alone in working on your health and every doctor or provider you've seen tries to give you a quick fix or tells you your symptoms are "normal"
  • Every lab test you've done comes back as "normal" but you know it's just not the truth

Imagine if...

  • You had a way to use NATURAL METHODS to feel better

  • You addressed the ROOT CAUSE of your symptoms & didn't have to rely on quick fixes ever again

  • You were more in touch with exactly what YOUR BODY NEEDS

  • You could TRUST your own intuition without worrying if parasites are running the show

  • You learned a sustainable & repeatable way to improve your gut & hormone health FOREVER

  • You ditched BAINDAID approaches & finally had the confidence that what you were doing was helping instead of hurting your health

  • You had GUIDANCE from an experienced holistic & functional medicine practitioner to answer your questions, guide you through a process you can use over & over again, & support you all along the way

You could have health wins just like this...

The Balanced Gut Protocol™

was made for women struggling with...


  • bloating, constipation, diarrhea, dysbiosis, food intolerances, food sensitivies, chronic gut disease


  • sluggish thyroid, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, weight loss resistance


  • painful periods, long periods, PCOS, PMS, infertility, endometriosis, post-birth control syndrome, hormonal acne, ammenorhea


  • PMDD, anxiety, low mood, focus issues, brain fog, sleep trouble

Here's what you get...

  • 6 weeks of guidance, support, accountability, coaching, and support to help you reach your goals
  • Guidance on diet and habits to follow during your parasite protocol
  • Preparation tools for your parasite protocol to ensure a smoother process
  • A personalized parasite supplement protocol tailored by Marisa based on your symptoms & health issues
  • Access to a group chat to post questions (& photos) and get support from Marisa in real-time
  • Community with a group of women at your same experience level & support to address how prepared you are for parasite work
  • Handouts & guides all along the way to support the process and get information at your fingertips

  • Live Coaching Calls for accountability, support, troubleshooting & education (8 sessions for Newbies & 4 sessions for Established Clients)
  • Discounted access to clinical grade supplements & herbs that must be used for succesful parasite cleansing (the cost of the supplements is NOT included in the price of the program, budget $200-250 per month, clients are required to buy supplements through Marisa for this program)

Select Your Package Now

Presale Pricing

Newbie Cohort

This cohort gets extra attention and support with 8 Live Coaching calls to ensure that you're well-prepared for the deep healing work that's about to take place. Preparation is critical to reduce side effects & improve results. The Newbie Cohort is for women who are not enrolled in the Balanced Hormone Blueprint and have not worked 1:1 with Marisa. During the pre-sale you can sign up for the Balanced Hormone Blueprint & join the Established Client Cohort.

This is a $2500 value



Newbie Cohort + 1 VIP Private

This is for you if you are new to working with Marisa! You get the best of both worlds - a spot in the Newbie Cohort of the Parasite Program and 1 Private Virtual Visit with Marisa for extra support.

The Newbie Cohort is for women who are not enrolled in the Balanced Hormone Blueprint and have not worked 1:1 with Marisa.

This is a $3,000 value!



Established Client Cohort

The Established Client Cohort is for women who are enrolled in the Balanced Hormone Blueprint & have implemented the first 4 modules of the course OR who have worked privately with Marisa for at least 5 months. This cohort has access to 4 live coaching calls & is given a special rate to compensate for the time & energy you've already invested in your health. This is a $2500 value!



Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of results can I expect?

Most clients experience a major jump forward in their healing and reduction in symptoms after learning how to properly parasite cleanse. Every body is different, so your results will correspond with your effort, and where your body is in the healing journey

How can I increase my likelihood of major results?

Preparation for parasite work and ensuring that you're changing the environment the parasites live in is absolutely critical (aka, your actual insides!). This why the Newbie Cohort requires more time and attention from Marisa. I highly recommend taking the Balanced Hormone Blueprint now to prepare your body for the parasite cleanse and ensure that you have tons of support for what to do before and after!

What if I miss a live coaching call?

All coaching calls are recorded and uploaded into a shared space for your cohort. You can refer back to this at a later date to see what you missed. You'll also be able to submit questions even if you can't attend live.

Is there a way to directly communicate with Marisa during the program?

There are live coaching calls, a group chat, and time that Marisa dedicates to answering questions in both of those channels. Since this is a group program and offered at a discount compared to Marisa's 1:1 services, these are the means that you'll be encouraged to communicate and receive guidance. Marisa will not provide additional private support unless you sign up for the Newbie Cohort with Private Visit option or purchase add-on 1:1 sessions which you'll have access to once you're in the program.

I am on hormonal birth control, would this program still work for me?

Yes! I have used this very same type of parasite cleanse with a variety of clients including ones on hormonal birth control. When it comes to this medication, Marisa will recommend how to time supports to avoid interference with hormonal birth control.

Can I do this program if I take medications?

In many cases the answer is yes. However, there may be adjustments in timing supplements and particular formulations that will need to be avoided.

Are tests included in the cost of the program?

Tests are not included in this program, because it is very difficult to catch parasites in a test and there's nearly a 100% chance that you have parasites if you've never worked on targeting them. Only about 30% of parasites are actually visible, and symptoms can be a better proxy for parasite presence than anything else.

Are supplements included in the cost of the program?

They are not. You will be set up with accounts to purchase the recommended supplements with a 15% discount. You are required to purchase supplements through Marisa, as there are particular supports that work best and that she has observed the most reliable results with. In addition, the program is priced as cost effectively as possible when taking into consideration the supplement investment you will make. Plan for $200-250 per month for the duration of the program (8 weeks).

Are refunds available?

This program is non-refundable. If you need additional support in implementing what you learn, you can always reach out to work one on one with me.

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